Volkswagen EV Preformance
GTX Club
The GTX versions from Volkswagen are the electric performance models like the GTI.

Only a few days left until the GTI Fanfest from July 26th to 28th in Wolfsburg!
Highlight: The ID. GTI Concept, as well as other fully electric show cars and GTX models.
Especially for our community:
We’ll meet on July 27th, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. at the IONITY e-charging station Braunschweigerstrasse 10, Wolfsburg.
Welcome from the organizing team members of ID. TREFFEN and the ID. Drivers Club.
Joint photo event with all vehicles at IONITY.
Possibility to charge the vehicles at the IONITY charging stations on site
Joint trip to the GTI Fanfest from around 12 noon
Following this, visit to the GTI Fanfest (for everyone who managed to get tickets) with open end until 10 p.m.
Stärkster BULLI aller zeiten.
Endlich darf der ID.BUZZ 160 statt 145 fahren.
79 und 86 kWh mit 185 oder 200kw Ladeleistung 25min oder unter 30min 10-80%
Park Assistent Plus mit Smartphone App remote.
◦ kurz: 1.121l / 2.123l / 306
◦ lang: 1.340 / 2.496 / 309
◦ Anhängelast 1,8 / 1,6t
neues Interieur
◦ LWB Version mit Glasdach
◦ 12,9 statt 12 Zoll Display
Video ID.BUZZ GTX in german from JÖNOHS
ID. GTI Concept
The name GTI is finding its way into electromobility. But we think that the name GTX will stick around for a few more years. Many of us in the GTX Club are former GTI or R drivers and some will be very happy about the addition.
ID. X Performance
At ID. Meeting in Locarno 2023 on the Swiss side of Lake Maggiore from September 8th to 9th, Volkswagen will present its vision of a fully electric sports sedan in the upper middle class: The ID.X Performance show car impresses with its powerful all-wheel drive, performance-oriented chassis design and expressive appearance.
Photo & Videos created in Locarno @ ID.TREFFEN
We are still working on the membership registration. Please be patient, we will be online soon.
GTX can also be off-road

At ID. Meeting in Locarno 2022, the ID.4 GTX EXTREME was presented to the world public. A GTX with off-road genes.
Every year, the trainees at Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH build a show car in which they can draw on the full potential of Volkswagen. It used to be the Wörthersee GTI Car, but since 2021 it has been ID. Model on the ID. MEETING in Locarno.

All the Volkswagen ID. Enthusiastic people meet every year in September at the international ID. Meeting in Locarno Switzerland.
GTX Club International
The GTX CLUB International is located in Switzerland by ottpromotion gmbh.
ottpromotion gmbh
Daniel Ott
c/o Impact Hub
Sihlquai 131
8005 Zürich